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Intelligently bind together data from AREAdata and other sources at a given spatial scale.


  targetdate = NA,
  enddate = NA,
  gid = 0,
  lonlat_names = c("Longitude", "Latitude"),
  basereq = NA



the source data to bind AREAdata to. This must contain decimal lonlat data!


the AREAdata to bind, usually from fetch_ad().


ONE OF the following:

  • The date to search for in ISO 8601 (e.g. "2020", "2021-09", or "2022-09-21").

  • The start date for a range of dates.

  • A character vector of fully specified dates to search for (i.e. "yyyy-mm-dd")


The (exclusive) end of the range of dates to search for. If this is unfilled, only the targetdate is searched for.


the spatial scale to retrieve (0 = country-level, 1=province-level...).


a vector containing the column names of the longitude and latitude columns IN THAT ORDER!


the url of the AREAdata database (usually generated by ad_basereq()). If NA, uses the default.


A matrix of the data with added columns extracted from areadata.

Date ranges

The date range is a partially open interval. That is to say the lower bound (targetdate) is inclusive, but the upper bound (enddate) is exclusive.

For example a date range of "2020-08-04" - "2020-08-12" will return the 7 days from the 4th through to the 11th of August, but not the 12th.

Date inference

In cases where a full date is not provided, the earliest date possible with the available data is chosen.

So "2020-04" will internally become "2020-04-01"

If an incomplete date is specified as the targetdate and no enddate is specified, the range to search is inferred from the minimum temporal scale provided in targetdate.

For example "2020-04" will be taken to mean the month of April in 2020, and the enddate will internally be set to "2020-05-01".


Francis Windram


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
vt_ids <- search_vt(c("Aedes", "aegypti"))
vtdf <- fetch_vt(vt_ids[(length(vt_ids)-20):length(vt_ids)]) %>%
  extract_vt(cols = c(
    ), returnunique = TRUE)
areadata <- fetch_ad(metric="temp", gid=2, use_cache=TRUE)
ad_extract_working <- assoc_ad(vtdf, areadata,
                                    targetdate = c("2021-08-04"), enddate=c("2021-08-06"),
                                    gid=2, lonlat_names = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
} # }