is an R package for retrieving (and parsing) data from a network of disease vector data sources.
At present this package is very much in its early stages, as such the internal API may change without warning.
You can install the development version of ohvbd from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("fwimp/ohvbd", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Latest patch notes
ohvbd 0.5.1
now correctly returns all data from datasets over 50 rows. -
also now tells you how much data you are retrieving and a coarse estimate of how long this will take. - New function
allows for quick checking of dataset sizes. This is very important as some datasets in VecDyn are over 40,000 rows long! - All
functions (and thus alsofetch()
) now use parallel data retrieval, even when only 1 connection is used. This seems to lead to a 20% gain in download speed for no cost.
See changelog for patch notes for previous versions.